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The Complete Book of Home Organization | Book review

The complete book of Home Organization by Toni Hammersley is exactly that: a complete book of home organization. It goes in depth on how to organize your home from visible surfaces to hidden drawers, and it's that kind of book that makes you take action as you read. Every chapter is dedicated to a room and each room has a challenge. Each room challenge starts with emptying everything sorting them and purging. I happened to be moving at the time I was reading the book, so sorting and purging was in my to-dos anyway.

Although I enjoyed the new insights, and sorting and organizing was so much fun, I found the book was less realistic for the average household. I understand how this might be a downside for many people living in small apartments like me. The rooms the author chose for the photos were much larger than the average family home. I suppose, when writing this book, Hammersley had in mind people with big houses and way too much stuff, making this book inclusive (somewhat). Owning little made it easy for me to adapt and turn what I read into what I could actually use. I'm not sure the other way around would have worked.

Of course, I don't have a walk-in closet, or a laundry-room, or a home office. Spaces in my home are blended, because that's all the space I have. My home office, my gym, my piano and my pets all live in harmony in one tiny room. However, as a young adult making my way through life and only starting to figure out how the world works, I really loved this book. And I've been coming back to it whenever something needs a bit of organizing. I also appreciated some of the natural recipes for cleaning products (especially the ones for the sinks).

I found out the author has also written a book for cleaning with daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal cleaning plans. Now that's something I'm super interested in. Are you interested in how-to books?


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