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On being inconsistent

In September, I wrote a post about the time management techniques I follow in order to complete small and big tasks daily. But Anne, I hear you not say, you've been inconsistent with your previous blogs and youtube channels, what is this time management you talk about?

Well, I have only one thing to say to you. You're right. I've started two blogs previously and two youtube channels, I go back and forth, and I always swear I'll be more consistent, but in the end I don't deliver. And that's because I'm human. So today, I'm listing the reasons why I haven't been consistent.

1. Self-doubt

This is at the top of my list because it's also the most important. Sometimes people who doubt themselves find it difficult to accomplish some things. For me, when doubt knocks on my door I end up paralyzed. I've been through days when I just couldn't get out of bed, because what's the point of even trying if you're destined to fail? We've all been there, right? No?

It only takes one negative comment to fuel this in people living with self-doubt, so let's give some love to the world today. Go ahead and tell people what you like about them and why they are important to you. Let them know why they should not stop pursuing their goals.


That's it actually. There is no list. Over the years, I have learned to discipline, and I am able to keep up with everything I do if I want to. The only reason I haven't been consistent was doubt. But this time I've challenged myself to remain consistent for months before I started uploading again. Even if I fail to deliver one week, I'll try to make it the next week. Because at the end of the day I blog and I make videos because it's fun and it doesn't occupy long hours in my calendar. Even if I suck now, I will get better with time if I persist. And as per this blog, I'm proud of myself for keeping up with my schedule so far.

Now go give love to people who need it.

If you know someone who doubts themselves a lot, come back next week for a post dedicated to living with self-doubt.


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