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My Writing Habits

I am very strict with myself when it comes to the craft of writing. I set goals, I discipline in order to achieve them, and track my progress along the way. Writing is my sacred space, something I do everyday, and that's non-negotiable. With that being said, I don't stop whatever I'm doing just to write. Instead, I've created a series of habits that work for me, so I'd be able to write every day, even if I don't feel like it (which, let's be honest, is almost never. I almost never feel like not writing).

So here are my writing habits as per the time I write, my writing space, what I eat or drink, whether or not I listen to music, the distractions I might have and my daily writing goals.

1. Time and space

I follow my writing schedule fundamentally for many reasons. I want to start my days on my own terms, because it brings me joy and because I'm the most undisturbed early in the morning. The world is still asleep when I get up, so the first thing I do is write. I always sit on the same spot, and right after I get up, wash, do yoga and have my breakfast, the only reasonable thing to do is write.

2. Snacking and drinking

While writing I chose not to eat, as it distracts me. So I have my breakfast before I sit on my desk and by the time I'm on my desk, a warm cup of coffee keeps me company.

3. Music

I'm quite fundamental about this one, too. No matter how much I would want to listen to rock music, or anything with lyrics, I force myself not to. Lyrics are destructive as I tend to sing along. I don't even listen to classical music when I write, because it relaxes me and the last thing I want first thing in the morning is to relax and crave to crawl back to bed. I usually put one of those youtube "music for concentration" or "binaural music for focus". And it helps.

4. Distractions

Since the world is still sleeping when I sit down to write, distractions are minimized. The neighbors make no noise, there is no traffic. As long as the world is asleep, my phone is asleep, too. I don't touch my phone till after I've reached my word mark for the day. And since I get up before the sun is up, there are no emails that urgent that can't even wait an hour or two to be replied to. I've been writing in the morning for the most part of 2020 and it has changed the way I view the art altogether.

5. Daily goal

When I'm writing (and not editing my work), my daily goal is 700 words within the span of an hour. I could go on forever about how difficult it is to achieve that goal every single day, but I won't. Instead, I'll be honest and tell you that I don't reach 700 everyday. Most days I do, though. Because I've found the perfect time and space that work for me. On good days I might even writie 2.000 words, and on bad days I might hit 100 words. It doesn't matter as long as I keep up with the habit.

Last year, I challenged myself to write every single day and it has shaped me as a writer and as a person. Since we're all just normal people with jobs or studies (some have kids to take care of, too) that take up most of our day, making time for our passion and calling is the most difficult thing to do, but it's also the most fulfilling experience. And unless you've tried it, it's difficult to explain in words - not too difficult, though, writers should be able to describe anything. Unless you're rich and you don't have to work, or unless you're a creature who doesn't have to make money for groceries and bills because you survive on oxygen alone, you might have limited time for writing. Finding the right habits to maximize your productivity during the short time you offer your craft is only achieved through trial and error. So go ahead and try and fail and try again.

Do you have a specific set of writing habits? If so, what are they?


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