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My first book presentation

After a series of unfortunate events, I hosted my first book presentation. I had never done a live presentation before, other than the ones I did on social media (but they don't really count).

Spot the nervous Anne in the photo.

The presentation was held at a small cafe in Chalandri, on the 16th. My family was there, my friends, and some friends of friends. I cannot deny that I was anxious in the beginning, but seeing all these wonderful people helped me get over it.

In my mind, I thought it was going to be a meet-and-greet-the-author type of thing, and I was hoping I wouldn't have to pick up a mic and speak. Thankfully there was no mic and although I had to speak before everyone, it wasn't as nerve wrecking as most presentations tend to be. If you know me at all, you surely know I cannot hold a presentation.

In the end, all went well, fortunately, and all the books my publisher lent me for the presentation were sold out. I cannot begin to describe in words how heart-warming this is.

To everyone who came to see me on Monday and to all those who bought my book, and to those who have started reading my book and keep updating me as they go on... thank you!


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