2023 was insane! I finished my PhD, illustrated a book for the first time and published it! I proved to myself that I can do anything. So what's next?
Doing a PhD is fulfilling and stimulating in ways having an office job isn't (this is my personal opinion). On top of that, however, it is also draining and exhausting. For me, a PhD came with burnout, and for now, I'm spending my days in serenity, doing things I love and recovering. I suspect I'm halfway there and I hope to be ready to tackle new big things shortly.
My New Book
If you've been following me for some time, you might know that writing a short story collection has always been a dream of mine. For some reason or other, I always wanted to publish a collection. So, I have made that my priority. I am currently working on this short story collection, slow and steady, and I hope to have it published this year (fingers crossed).
What's next?
As mentioned above, I've always dreamed of publishing a collection of stories. I have also dreamed of other things. So now, as I recover from burnout and am finally pursuing my first story collection, my next steps will be to move on to my other dreams. Some of these are related to writing, while others are not.
Stay tuned for updates on my short story collection! If you haven’t subscribed to anne's world of words, please do. Blog posts go up on Fridays. Click here to subscribe and get notified for new posts. Thank You (: