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IKIGAI | Book Review

It's been almost two years since I read Ikigai, but to this day, it's one of the books that stayed with me. Ikigai ("Iki":to live and "gai": reason) is a Japanese concept referring to having a direction or purpose in life, providing a sense of fulfillment. The book by Hector Garcia Puigcerver is a great introduction to this concept.

This book focuses on the longevity and well-being of the people that follow their ikigai, but it doesn't provide any advice on how to actually discover your own ikigai (your purpose in life). In short, there are ten rules of ikigai:

  1. Stay active (even after retirement)

  2. Take it slow

  3. Don’t fill your stomach completely (as in don't overeat)

  4. Surround yourself with good friends

  5. Get in shape

  6. Smile

  7. Reconnect with nature

  8. Give thanks (be grateful)

  9. Live in the moment

  10. Follow your ikigai

If you are looking for more serenity in your life, this book is a great read. With it you step back, slow down and contemplate on the meaning of life.


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