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I didn't write that blog post today

After travelling for a wedding and experiencing persisting motion sickness for the better part of the week (I should do a post about my love-hate relation-ships lol that was bad) while having to ease myself into my last year of PhD without inducing needless stress, I think I ran out of ideas and energy. To be honest, I went over my list of brainstormed ideas for blog posts, because that's a thing, but I couldn't see myself writing any of them.

Inspired by Madeleine Dore's book titled "I didn't do the thing today," I decided not to write the blog post since it was taking such a toll on me. Besides, isn't that what this blog is all about? Doing the things we enjoy and learning and growing...

So instead, I decided to listen to my body and go after what I needed the most: rest. And I'm glad I'm in a place where I no longer fret, and I can forgive myself for not doing the thing I had to do. So here I am, writing a blog post about not writing a blog post, two hours before it's meant to go live. And y'all are going to get notified when it does and ask yourselves if this is some kind of joke.

Well, I hope I didn't waste your time and you're reading this with a smile on your face.

This was meant to be a kind reminder to let go of your to-do lists every once in a while, and listen to your body instead. Have a nice weekend.


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