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I am enough

At the beginning of the year, I created a vision board for what I wanted 2022 to be like. No career goals, big or small, PhD- or book-wise. No expectations. The only thing I looked forward to was a healthier, happier version of myself; to look at myself in the mirror and be content. Because I am enough.

I wanted to focus on things that fulfilled me, fed my soul, so to speak; get rid of the negativity and the unnecessary evils that have penetrated daily life. I wanted to do things because I wanted to, and not because everyone does them, because I was afraid, timid, unsure, or worse, insecure.

These 6 months have been eye-opening. I found that work-life balance is achievable when you set boundaries. Being physically healthy is easier when you look after your mental health first. Being anxious all the time prevents you from becoming who you are supposed to be. Being yourself is the best self-care and self-love practice no one talks about.

We are now halfway through 2022 and it amazes me, how setting no goals has helped me achieve more than I could ever hope for. I might be behind on my TBR list, among many things, but I am healthy and happy. I did spend more time in nature, even if it was 30 minutes a week. I read fewer books than last year in the same amount of time, but they were carefully and mindfully selected. I didn't complete all my to-dos monthly, but I never stopped; I moved forward, slowly and steadily. I created stronger connections with people that matter to me. I've loved deeper this year, others and myself.

I know now, that I am enough.


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