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Embracing the Journey: A New Approach to New Year's Resolutions

As we stand at the cusp of a new year, it's customary to reflect on the past and contemplate the future. So far, this ritual has involved crafting New Year's resolutions—a list of aspirations, objectives, and goals to achieve in the upcoming year. Yet, as 2024 approaches, I find myself inclined to adopt a different perspective on these traditional resolutions.

The notion of chasing after an "ideal job" has been a lifelong pursuit for me. However, as someone deeply passionate about both science and arts, I've grappled with the idea of having to choose one path over the other. Over time, I've come to the realization—an epiphany, if you will—that the conventional concept of an ideal job might not be the right fit for me. Instead, I'm exploring the possibility of fashioning a career that amalgamates all the things I love, even if they don't exist in the same gravitational space or adhere to the same timeline.

Moreover, the pressure to have a life entirely figured out by 30 has often been overwhelming. But, in contemplating the roadmap ahead, I've come upon the liberating truth: I don't have to have all the answers now. What I do need is to identify the next small step and relish the process of taking it.

For so long, I've hurried through life's moments, inadvertently neglecting simple joys. Thus, 2024 marks a departure from this rushed pace—a commitment to savoring each moment and embracing the art of living slowly. It's about cherishing the journey more than reaching the destination.

Setting goals is still a part of my DNA, though. However, this time, they are not just milestones to achieve but also avenues to explore, experiences to relish, and lessons to learn. What's the worth of our ambitions if they rob us of the joy we might find in the journey toward attaining them?

The essence of a resolution should lie in its fulfilment and the enrichment it brings to our lives along the way. It's about finding fulfilment in the process and finding purpose in each step taken towards a goal.

So, as the calendar flips to a new year, my resolutions will encompass the path rather than the destination. They will be a reminder to relish the small victories, find wonder in the mundane, and revel in the present moment.

In essence, 2024 will be about crafting a life rich with purpose, joy, curiosity, creativity, and the art of living slowly. Ultimately, life isn't solely about the finish line—it's about the entirety of the race and the moments woven into it.

Let's welcome the new year with a renewed perspective—an outlook that appreciates the journey as much as the destination.

Cheers to a purposeful, joyous, and deliberately lived 2024!


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