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Do more of what you love

2020 was, undoubtedly, a difficult year for all of us. And with that, I wish you a very happy 2021. 2020 took away so many things we took for granted like eating at a restaurant and travelling, but it also taught us compassion and responsibility like nothing else could have. I'd like to think we are wiser now.

Being locked at home is not easy. Not even for introverts like me. A fellow PhD candidate at the university told me she had a blast during lockdown. I wouldn't say I had the same experience (not even close). I learned, however, to appreciate the little things and I stopped taking things for granted. I also learned the importance of work-life balance as well as the importance of doing more things I love and enjoy.

When we are young, everyone supports us. They know it is crucial for our development to follow and do things that satisfy us whether or not we are going to pursue them in the future. When we're adults, however, only a handful are willing to support us and push us toward a direction of a happy, fulfilling life of doing what we love. I don't know the exact moment things turned and changed and "go for it" became "are you nuts?"

Doing things we love is not limited to a career choice. We don't have to have a fulfilling career to be fulfilled. So don't quit your job.

Although it would be ideal to be able to have a career of your choice, full of passion and creativity and working hours that suit you best, it is important to understand that life is much more than what we do for a living.

Being wiser after the pandemic, now is the time to make space for a deeper and more profound relationship with yourself. Stop the cycle of procrastination you may have developed over the years. Understand that when you make time for yourself you can do more of what you love.

Start a new hobby, get on to the side hustle you've been dreading, learn a new language if you prefer, or just spend more time with the people you love. If not now, when?


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