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Coffee & Tea | The ultimate debate

I never understood why there has always been a debate on coffee and tea: which one is better? which is healthier? which is more sophisticated?

Why not coffee and chocolate? Tea and milk? Smoothies and juices? Can we debate about any two beverages or drinks (e.g. tequila and vodka), and if so, why aren't we? So, let's tackle the issue of which is better together as autumn knocks on our door and warm beverages are just happiness in a cup.

I suppose one can argue that the debate has been going on for all beverages indeed, but coffee and tea have something different compared to the rest of the drinks. They are natural stimulants. Coffee bolts you upright first thing in the morning no matter how drowsy you might feel after a long warm night. On the other hand, tea is slower in this process, but helps keep you alert for longer.

In a society where people are judged based on how productive they are, being alert and focused is the key to this. So I would say that this might be the reason everyone is obsessing over these two. Truth be told, one's overall alertness stems from a good balance in diet, exercise and sleep, and if you do these right, you wouldn't need caffeine at all. But most people don't have time, or the recourses to lead an overall healthy lifestyle. Some don't want to. And knowing that a cup of coffee will do the trick tomorrow morning is more reassuring to most of us than hoping our healthy choices will lead to an abundance of energy in a few months (or maybe a year). People need results, and they need them now.

I won't go into the details of which is healthier, since every human body is different and healthy looks very different from person to person. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, you can't have caffeine, so none is healthy for you. If you have a bad hangover, a cup of coffee is a good idea. If you struggle with anxiety, coffee is a bad idea. If you have a caffeine addiction, both are bad for you. There have been some studies concerning these two natural stimulants, but I believe you should listen to your body (and to your doctor) before making the decision on which is better for you. And if you are perfectly healthy and can drink both, then why not drink both in moderate amounts? Whatever you choose, though, I'd suggest cutting off the sugar, or minimizing it as much as possible. But I'm no doctor.

Which do you prefer? Coffee or tea?


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